Limits on Accessing 1031 Exchange Proceeds


Timing for the Exchanger to access exchange proceeds is regulated by law. Watch the video tutorial here to know when 1031 Exchange funds can be accessed.

Timing for the Exchanger to access exchange proceeds is regulated by law.

According to what are commonly referred to as the G-6 restrictions in the 1031 regulations, if you the Exchanger, fails to identify Replacement Property within the 45-day identification period, IPX1031 is permitted to return exchange proceeds to the Exchanger on or after day 46.

Alternatively, if the Exchanger successfully identifies Replacement Property, the exchange proceeds will be held until the exchange is completed, or if there are exchange proceeds remaining after less than all of the identified property has been acquired, funds can only be returned to the Exchanger on or after Day 181.

If you have further questions, please reach out to us, or access our Knowledge Center on our website for more information on how to avoid the receipt of boot.

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