Consult With Your Tax/Legal Advisors for Your 1031


Although we are very experienced in facilitating 1031 Exchanges, IPX1031 cannot provide you with tax, legal or financial advice. Watch this quick tutorial to learn more.

Consult with your tax and legal advisors for your 1031.

Although we are very experienced in facilitating 1031exchanges, IPX1031 cannot provide you with tax legal or financial advice.

You should always seek advice for your specific circumstance from your advisors prior to and throughout your exchange as well as for the underlying real estate transaction. An exchange is a complex legal and tax transaction.

We are here for your advisors if they have any questions related to your exchange, or if they would like more in-depth technical information, we are a quick phone call or email away.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your specific scenario, please contact us or access our knowledge Center on our website for more information.

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Customized solutions for your 1031 investment and business goals.

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